Thursday, November 28, 2019

Organizational behavior terminology

Objective Many organizations that command a massive market share in their areas of operations have put in place organizational behaviors that work to their advantage. This essay gives a detailed explanation of organizational culture, organizational behavior, diversity, and communication. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Organizational behavior terminology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It also undertakes to describe each of these concepts’ observable aspects. It will also give a brief analysis of culture and behavior in an organization of choice. Organizational culture entails values, both cultural and personal; the experiences of a people; psychological endowment; and attitude of persons that belong to an organization. It is founded on the values that people or groups that belong to a particular organization cherish and how these values impact the way they interact with people outside that organization (Schein, 2004). There has been no consensus on what exactly should be the definition of organizational culture. However, there is unanimity on aspects touching on its holisticity, its social construction, and its historical nature. Organizational behavior involves study of behavior of persons that belong to a given organization or a business enterprise. Such studies are done using systems approach where aspects of how people relate to organizations are brought into perspective. This approach is supposed to enhance better relationship between the people and the whole organization. It also helps in attaining organization’s human and social objectives. Organizational behavior indeed integrates aspects of individual human behavior, change, and leadership (Davis, 1967). Organizational behavior boasts of its inherent elements, models, and social systems. An organization can operate out of myriad organizational frameworks. Autocratic organizational model is where much power is ves ted on the managers. Employees are left with no option but to be obedient. Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Custodial framework entrusts the managers with the responsibility of looking after the economic resources where as employees are oriented towards organization security and benefits. Collegial and supportive organizational frameworks are other examples of organizational frameworks. These organizational frameworks normally overlap and it is absolutely impossible for organizations to run exclusively on one type of framework. On countless occasions, many people have taken organizational diversity to imply equity at work place. However, its meaning is not only limited to the confines of equity but it also encompasses creation of environmental values and differences while maximizing individual employee potential. This helps in enhancing employee creativity and innovativene ss. A satisfied employee will offer quality services to the customer. This will translate into increased productivity in an organization. Organizational culture adopted by a corporate body should be one that supports its diversity (Laura, 2005). This calls for integration of elements such as needs analysis; goodwill from the organization’s management and administration; education and training of the staff; revamping of organization’s culture and its management system; and continual evaluation exercises (Axley, 1984). An organization that I was once attached at had a system where a close relation with the customers was highly emphasized. Autonomy and entrepreneurship were also highly emphasized. The organization put into place strong corporate values and emphasizing on what they do best and adopted both centralized and decentralized organization forms. Besides, the management was open to change. Conclusion Culture is a very important element of any organization because when an organization does not possess a healthy culture, it can encounter several challenges in its daily operations. Culture is important in decreasing employee turnover. It helps in altering the employees’ behavior, improve the company’s image, and generally improve service delivery towards achieving the goals and objectives of the firm.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Organizational behavior terminology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Reference List Axley, S. (1984). Managerial and organizational communication in terms of the conduit metaphor. Academy of Management Review, 9, 428–437. Davis, K. (1967). Human relations at work: The dynamics of organizational behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill. Laura, M. R. (2005). Changing Faces: Professional Image Construction in Diverse Organizational Settings. Academy of Management Review, 30 (4), 685 711. Schein, E. H. (2004). Organizational culture and leadership. San Francisco: John Wiley Sons. This essay on Organizational behavior terminology was written and submitted by user Paulina Sears to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

buy custom Medical Apartheid essay

buy custom Medical Apartheid essay Racism entails the belief that some races are superior to others in society. From as early as the colonial era, racism in the United States of America has been a crucial issue. Native Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, Mexican etc were all considered as the minority groups. Racism has many forms. However, no one is born a racist. This develops from the environment from which children grow into. Washington exposed the mistreatments and injustice African Americans were exposed to in an attempt to make advancement s in the world of medicine. Through her meticulous research, she unraveled the unethical practices early doctors practiced in order to find answers to ailments that were problematic to the white race. Washington, in her book, talks about the advancements, experienced in medicine. The setting of the book is during the slave era when doctors had permission to experiment on slaves. Washington depicts doctors as unfriendly and evil where they used other humans to perform experiments without considering the implication of their actions. During that era, whites were considered superior to blacks; the experiments conducted only improved their lives, as opposed to the black persons life. The black Americans have suffered for a long time as a result of poor health issues that up to date have never been solved. As Washington states in her book, the past discrimination against the African Americans has been the key cause of unequal levels of health services and treatment experienced today. Racism in America has been a crucial issue ever since the slave and the colonial era. Legally endorsed racial discrimination imposed a grave burden on African Americans, Native Americans, Mexican Americans, and Asian Americans. The main racially structured institutions at the time included Indian wars, slavery, segregation, Native American reservations, internment camps and residential schools (for Native Americans. In America, official racial bias was largely prohibited in the mid-20th century; moreover, it came to be viewed as socially intolerable. However, racial politics remained a vital phenomenon in American territory. Historical racism up to date has continued to be perceived in socioeconomic inequality. Nevertheless, racial stratification continued to take place in all avenues, in society including government, housing, employment, housing, lending, and education and health sectors. As is the case in most countries, many people in the United States of America continue to harbo r some discrimination against individuals from other races. Discrimination infiltrates almost all aspects of life in America, and it further extends to all communities of color. Washington in her book focuses in the theme of poverty and racial discrimination. Here, the slaves were poor African Americans who had no voice in the society. She talks about the sharecroppers who at one time suffered from Syphilis but did not get any treatment because they were black. She also talks about how black people were perceived as useless, and the whites purchased them from market places for the sole purpose of experimentation. These doctors exposed the blacks to radiation, fire and all sorts of deadly substances for the sake of progressing medicine. The most chilling study conducted was that of Dr. J. Marion Sims. The Alabama surgeon was the first to repair gynecological fistulae. This was an extremely painful condition that affected women and made them lose bladder control. To achieve this, he constantly experimented on slave women without using anesthesia during the surgeries. The African Americans were always associated with poverty. This is because they were brought i nto America as slaves to work in plantations. This mentality held on in the minds of men, and up to date, racism is still prevalent in America. Another theme brought out in the book is malpractice where doctors use their mandate to exploit their patients. The slaves were experimented on, and some of them eventually died. This brought about distrust between the white doctors and the black patients. This has continued over the years up to date. Another theme in the book is pain and suffering. This was especially common and severe for women who still had to care for their families alongside the harsh living conditions they were exposed to as slaves. Suffering is also evident where slaves and other minor groups of people were exposed to harmful substancces for research purposes. Women in the general area weaker species to men a they are best suited for subtle work, however, as slaves, the women were forced to work just as hard as men. Racism and discrimination are also a key theme in the book. The African Americans were discriminated because of their color. Although other minority groups were discriminated, the blacks had the worst experience because they were not only poor but also considered valueless in the eyes of the white man. Leaders, like Nelson Mandela and Barrack Obama, have fought hard to ensure this notion is utterly forgotten. As a health worker, Washington gained access to medical journals that told of the suffering the African Americans underwent in the hands of the doctors. She condemns the doctors who were stood aside and let poor blacks suffer the Tuskegee study for failing to control the spread of syphilis, yet they had the means to contain it. According to the medical literature, the experiments were conducted in the e past and despite the numerous change the society has experienced, blacks still do not trust doctors hence they get poor quality health services than the whites. The objective of writing the book was, to improve the health standards of the black people. However, critics believe the book will achieve just the opposite and widen the health divide that has been in existence over the years. Social workers have been of much help in the society because they identify problem areas in the society and they assist in correcting the problem. Washington discovered that there existed some issues that resulted in poor health for black people. To solve this, she researched the root of the problem and through this book; she attempts to seal this rift between blacks and whites in health care. Social workers have also helped marginalized people to access services that would otherwise be inaccessible. In addition, help the marginalized people to feel safe in a society that ignores them as well as their needs. They ensure the marginalized people have safe homes, adequate basic needs and the best medical services available. In other words, social workers represen t the voice of the marginalized people in society. Buy custom Medical Apartheid essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Honda Marketing Strategies in USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Honda Marketing Strategies in USA - Essay Example rowth, but a carefully plan market research got them to understand that people in US travelled long distance, and therefore started to build bikes of 250 CC and 350 CC engines. However, at the same time the 50 CC bike which was very popular in Japan, known as the Super Club, started making its foray into the market. At the beginning of everything, it did not look like that a small bike would be able to hold on its own in a market dominated by heavy engine bikes as well as choppers, which catered to a specific crowd which emphasises on staking a claim on the roads with utter dominance. However, once the Small Club was rolled out, it created its own niche in the market. It inspired a part of the crown which needed a simple bike capable enough to take them to their shops or offices without any fuss or fanfare. This was important as later on the Super Club came to be known as the normal man’s mode of transport. â€Å"At face value, the Super Cub had little appeal for the American buyer. The motorbike market in the US at the time was quite small and dominated by entrenched players such as Harley Davidson, Indian, and imports like Triumph and Moto Guzzi. There were only 1,000 full-time motorbike dealers in the entire country (compared to some 10,000 today), and most bikes were either in the mold of Harley-Davidson — large, heavy, and built for noisy cruising, or were sportbikes made for performance, exemplified by Triumph. Motorbike riders were generally seen as nefarious outsiders, clad in leather jackets and riding in packs to terrorize small towns and cause trouble at funfairs, an image played up by Hollywood — think James Dean, Marlon Brando in The Wild One, and later Easy Rider. Furthermore, Japanese products with funny names were looked upon suspiciously by American... Honda started as a motorcycling company in the 1950’s when it ventured into the US market. At that time it was a humble beginning for a company like Honda which had tough competition from other companies in the USA who were already selling motorbikes and cars in the USA. However, they took rapid strides and within a few decades, from a humble motorcycling company they went on to become the largest automobile manufacturers in the USA. This paper shall analyse the marketing strategies they deployed in order to become successful in an alien market like the USA. Honda was already a big consumer giant in Japan before it came into foray in the United States. The name was very famous in Japan and Honda took that brand value and applied it to its products in the USA. It all started with a small entry into the US market where they had no scope for growth, but a carefully plan market research got them to understand that people in US travelled long distance. The one liner they had shot them to prominence and they have remained at the top since that very time. It is due to sheer adaptation of the market were they able to demonstrate their products, which were able to meet the needs of the daily commuter in the USA.